Performance Information
ACT DESCRIPTION: Jet powered self-launch with max performance climb to 2000' with engine smoke. At 2000', the jet engine is reduced to flight idle (quiet) and Act 1 begins with graceful sailplane aerobatics, classical music and wingtip smoke.
Act 2 takes place at ground level with a cutting edge musical score, vertical maneuvers, loops, rolls, hammerheads and spins, and engine smoke in addition to the wingtip smoke. The FoxJet can taxi clear of the active runway under its own power.
START: Ground start (1 minute required for climb)
PERFORMANCE LENGTH (including takeoff and landing): 10-12 minutes
MAX ALTITUDE: 2000' AGL (1000' show available if low cloud ceiling)
END: Taxi clear of active runway and tow the aircraft to parking
GROUND MANEUVERING: We supply tow equipment
REFUELING: We provide a mobile transfer fuel tank so we usually only fuel-up from your fuel truck or station once per weekend
CAR & HOTEL: We typically need one car (any type) and one hotel room. (Typically Wednesday night through Sunday night)